
37888072_10156573854989158_5143205418356441088_nWelcome to my blog! I’m Simon, and traveling, airplanes, and food are my obsessions.

Born in the Philippines, grew up and currently based in San Francisco. I got into this “hobby” back in 2011 when I came across this site called Flyertalk and it totally changed my life. Now I fly over 200,000 miles per year on average using a combination of cheap fares, and miles/points. I’ve been very fortunate to have flown over 2 Million miles and am working on my third Million. I started documenting and writing about my travels on Facebook and Instagram, and in 2016 I started my YouTube channel and this blog.

As an aviation geek, I’m fascinated by airplanes and the passenger experience, particularly when flying first or business class. For me, the journey is just as important as the destination.

Also, as the name of the blog suggests, I’m a big airplane foodie! I also love trying different foods on my travels and capturing my experiences through photos and videos.

I’m constantly learning from my travels, and I hope to inspire others to see the world and experience different cultures, customs, and food. Whether you’re an aviation geek or a foodie, please join me on my journey!

For questions or inquiries, please email Travelingfoody.com.

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